(Mandarin) Secrets: Managing Information Assets in the Age of Cyberespionage - Second Edition

Due to the popularity of the second edition of Jim Pooley's book, Secrets: Managing Information Assets in the Age of Cyberespionage, we are excited to announce that the book has been fully translated into Mandarin for Chinese audiences!

Ms. Fang Liu is the translator of the book. She is a Senior Partner and the Director of International Practice Department at Tiantai Law Firm, as well as a Senior Research Fellow at the UC Berkeley Center for Law & Technology (BCLT). Ms. Liu is specialized in Corporate Law of China and U.S., Cross-border M&A, VC & Private Equity, IP Licensing, and Foreign-related Commercial Litigation and Arbitration. Ms. Liu co-authored the famous and influential book, Intellectual Property Strategy for Business, with Prof. Robert Merges at UC Berkeley Law School, one of the most famous IP scholars in the world. Ms. Liu is licensed to practice law in China PRC, California, New York, Michigan, and Washington D.C. of the United States.

Starting from the characteristics of trade secrets in the Internet era, the author introduces the information risks and the different ways of trade secret leakage in the era of the Internet, big data and the Internet of Things. The content covers the historical development, the scope of protection of trade secrets as well as the ownership of information, how the law protects trade secrets, how to take specific measures to manage the information assets, the importance of contracts in protecting trade secrets and special concerns of the terms, how to prevent hackers and commercial spies from intrusion, how to avoid contamination of information, how to prevent and resolve competition from departing employees, characteristics of trade secret disputes and litigation, procedural issues and strategies for both plaintiffs and defendants, how to find a balance between protection of trade secrets and government regulation and protection, information theft and criminal liability, and protection of trade secrets in the context of the global marketplace. The book is informative and practical, and is suitable for business executives, information managers, data compliance officers, lawyers and legal professionals in related industries.

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